Clarence Mark Master Masons, 3rd December 2012

The Regular Meeting of the Lodge took place on Monday
3rd December 2012 at Widnes Masonic Hall with 16
members present.
In attendance at his mother Lodge was The R.W.Bro
Peter Connolly Pr.G.M., accompanied by W.Bro Eric
Drinkwater P.J.G.D., W.Bro Leslie W. Gabriel P.G.S.D.
and W.Bro Frank Thomas P.Asst.G.St.B. the Tyler
The Lodge was opened by the W.M. in solemn form at
6.45pm assisted by his Officers.
Left:W M Bro Michael Mansfield - Corbett and Secretary,
and W. Bro Alan Hughes J. P.
The business of the evening was conducted which
included the Secretary giving a short account of the life and work of W.Bro W.T.Frost T.D. stating that
they had been life long friends, describing all the
charitable work that Bill had carried out throughout
his lifetime even though in later life he was
severely disabled himself.
The Brethren then showed their respect to departed
merit usually observed amongst Masons.
Right: W.Bro. Eric Drinkwater with the
RW PGM who was appointed as J. Deacon of Lodge
The W.M. Bro Michael Mansfield-Corbett invested Officers not present at his installation and requested that
their was a vacancy for the Office of Junior Deacon. The R.W.Bro Peter Connolly Pr.G.M. stated that he
would be honoured to accept this Office and he was duly invested by the W.M.
All the Brethren present congratulated him on his Office and wished him well on the ladder. He responded,
thanking the brethren and stated that he was pleased to see several Brethren in their new Office’s this
evening especially W.Bro Barry Thornley P.Pr.A.G.D.C. as the new Director of Ceremonies.
The W.M. then closed the Lodge in due form and harmony at 7.45pm
The evening concluded by a Christmas Festive Board and the Raffle for the Litre Bottle of Whisky donated
by the Province supplemented with a bottle of wine from the Lodge raise £80.00 which was divided to
£50.00 given to Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of West Lancashire Family Fun Day and £30.00 Given to the
Lodge Charity account.

The W.M. thanked all the Brethren present for an excellent night, wished them and their family the Festive
seasons greetings and wished them a safe journey home and gave a Christmas gift to the Catering stall for
their excellent services.
Article Courtesy of David Jones, Photographs Courtesy of Peter Connolly